Brandon Congelliere

What is your nickname? If you have one?

Where do you primarily ride?
I primarily ride at bear mountain

What made you start snowboarding?
An old friend of mine got me into snowboarding my freshman year of high school! Although I would only go once a year, I would constantly beg my parents to take me back every weekend! I ended up riding 10 days the season after I graduated high school, then 50 the next season, and this year I rode 159 days!!! I really want to hit 200 days this 21/22 season!  

What’s your favorite board to ride?
I’ve grown to love a traditional camber board with medium flex, but i love to experiment with all types of board shapes/sizes

Favorite riding story if you have one?
It would have to be the first time I landed a tamedog. After a couple seasons and hundreds of attempts I remember the sheer joy I got when I finally landed it. I felt like I could do anything I want as long as I try.

Why do you love to snowboard?
I‘ve never been more happy with life than when i’m strapped into my snowboard 🙂 that’s why I love the sport so much

When you aren’t snowboarding what are you most likely finding yourself getting into?
I love surfing, trampolines, diving boards, and i’m slowly but surely learning to love skateboarding too!

What is your favorite area on the mountain? Jumps, rails, natural terrain?
I love all areas of the mountain equally, I think it’s very important to be able to have fun snowboarding no matter what conditions or terrain you’re dealt

Where do you see yourself in five years snowboarding wise?  Traveling to another country?
In 5 years ogcongo is going to have a gold x-games slopestyle medal 😉 I also want to have visited Japan, Australia, Austria, and New Zealand by then!

Do you have a pre-boarding ritual or something you need to have on you at all times on the mountain?
It is absolutely imperative that I draw a cool S in the snow before I ride the lift, and I always keep my phone on me for the clips!